Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weight Watchers - week 4!

I did my 4th weigh-in this morning and I am down another pound! I was worried I wasn't going to see a loss this week (I do weigh myself more than once a week, to get a feel for how things are going, but my *official* weigh-in day is Wednesday)... I haven't been all that hungry, and not using all my daily points. In fact, I rarely want food. I crave smoothies made from fat free chocolate milk, peanut butter and banana all. the. time. I could live on that. I was also feeling quite bloated most of the time (not sure why). But, these last few days I stepped up the exercise and I think that pushed me over into the 'loss' category. Very happy! In fact, I am less than half a pound away from a 10-lb total loss!

Last night's dinner was great! Chrorizo and bean burritos. It's not from a WW cookbook but from this book that Miriam gave me:

Here is the final product:

Wow, were they ever good! I only bought one can of beans (oops), so we could only make half the recipe (3 servings instead of 6). The good news is I just have to buy a can of beans the next time we go to the store and I can make them again next week (or maybe even this weekend) because I have all of the other ingredients.

Despite the Bipster having two very generous servings, there was a (very) little bit left... so guess what I am having for lunch? (I refused to let him claim the leftovers this time!)


  1. Hi Shawna, congrats on your weight loss! I just started ww almost 3 weeks ago and am loving it so far. I was wondering which ww cookbook you have? These recipes look delish! Have a lovely weekend :)

  2. In addition to the book pictured above (not WW), I am using these three WW books:

    This one can sometimes be hard to find, but I swear by everything I've made out of it -

    I just ordered this one a couple of days ago. I can't wait to get it, and I hope it arrives before Sunday so I can maybe add some of the recipes from it to next week's meal plan!

  3. Thanks for the info :) I have this one: and so far its pretty good! I also didnt actually sign up for ww, just doing it on my own like you. I think your blog will give me the motivation to stick with it! I unfortunately have been neglecting my blog but plan to get a jump on it this weekend and have weekly ww posts also, so hopefully that will keep me on track too.

  4. Thank you! That is sweet... we will motivate each other! :)
