Our homemade goodies were a hit, too. I love it when those kind of things are appreciated, and people really seem to get away from that more and more as years go by. That makes me sad. I'd love to get a bag full of homemade, yummy stuff anytime of year!
We have Christmas with his dad on New Year's Day and then we're done. One more round of baking to go and then I will hang up my apron for a little while. I don't even want to think about all the boxes of butter I've went through in the last couple of weeks. It's an amount only Paula Deen could appreciate!
Speaking of aprons, us girls all got one last night!
They're very special boys, as you can see.
In other news, I don't think Julio is feeling good lately. He feels very hot to me, maybe feverish? (But dogs do tend to run hotter) And he's crying a lot. The Bipster seems to think it's just a ploy for attention. Perhaps, as our little Julio is quite the attention hog. But whether he is a little under the weather right now or not, I can guarantee you he is not going to be feeling so well on Monday. Poor little booger is getting his man parts cut, his shots updated and his teeth cleaned all in one fell swoop. Say a prayer for the little feller, he's going to need it.
Notice how his little eyes are off center? God bless him. Last night after we had put the dogs to bed, they were fighting amongst themselves, and I went in to have a word with them. Jorge can't stand being corrected in any way, so he turned his head and wouldn't look at me. And then there was Julio with his little crooked eyes. I went back into the living room laughing and told Josh "Jorge wouldn't even look at me, and Julio was only looking with one eye." We both cracked up. Maybe not that funny, but then again, it was pretty late... ;)
Looking forward to a long weekend, a quiet NYE at home with good food and Mad Men, and hopefully a great 2011! I have a long list of stuff I want to get done in and around the house (of course)! Waiting for spring so I can get cracking on gardening and landscaping again. in the meantime there will be mad organizing done on the inside, and finally getting some stuff I really love up on the walls. Trying to convince Josh to see my vision....
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