Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Big ol' wishlist

If I won the lottery today, after investing in a bunch of real estate and booking a big ol' vacation, I'd buy these things.

I am so obsessed with this camera it's not even funny. I pore over the reviews of it on amazon. It takes great pictures in low-light (which is really my biggest wish in a camera), and it has a Leica lens, and they are supposedly the best. Sure, it's not a big fancy Nikon or Cannon... It's a point and shoot. But for a P&S camera, I don't think it gets any better than this. It comes in black, too, but the white is just so sexy and different. Love.

A retro-looking record player. Since I found my stash of records in the garage, I'm desperately craving something to play my old Elvis, Carpernters and Saturday Night Fever LPs on.

The top tiles for my bathroom floor and the bottom floor tiles (actually, I think these are painted onto the floor in this pic) for my kitchen. And the butcher block island, too, while I'm at it.

This book by Amy Sedaris because I loved her first one. I also love that it's sub-titled "Crafts for Poor People"!

This book, because I daydream about making cute little things like this. Gotta step up my crafting skills. Oh, but wait, I can't sew....

So I guess I'd need this, too. And some lessons. :/

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