Last weekend (18th), the ladies of our neighborhood had our second official brunch. I started the facebook group last fall, and we are up to 94 members! It has been such a great way to get to know others. We had probably 50 people at this most recent brunch. I only took a few photos, and they were of the folks that were there, so allow me to use these pictures of the food instead that one of the other ladies took.
And that's not even half of the food. Imagine 50 ladies all bringing a different dish (or two) - it's impossible to even try it all. So much fun, though.
Recently, an ordinance was passed in my county to allow backyard chickens (hens only). Our brunch Hostess is our first "Legal" chicken owner in our 'hood! Meet Minnie and Mary:
I was very excited when the ordinance passed, as I have been wanting chickens for quite a while. However, I thought it was something I'd have to hold off on until Josh was out of school. I didn't know if I could take it all on myself.... Until Laura mentioned she wanted to share some chickens with someone, but didn't feel her yard was a good place for them. Thus, our co-parenting plan was "hatched". Our plan is to end up with six chickens, but we should have our first two by the end of March!
Our starter coop has arrived (soon to be painted a bright turquoise) and we are immersing ourselves in all things chicken - we have a lot to learn!
I purchased this over the weekend to adorn one of our (eventual) three coops):
I'm very excited! Expect much more chicken babble in the future.
Another thing I am excited about is SPRING. Here's how my little garden plot looked last week (just a little 4x4 in my backyard):
This will be the first year we can harvest our asparagus! I'm really looking forward to that.
I planned to clean it out yesterday, but I got a nasty stomach bug and could barely drag myself off of the couch. I'm also planning to find someone to till up a row behind my garage so I can plant some vine-y things like cucumbers and pumpkins and squashes.
I usually start my garden from plants, not seeds. However, we have a community garden in my 'hood and I am hoping to get at least one plot in it (preferably two), and I will be growing from seed over there. I think the plots are 4x12, so I would have a lot more room than I have at home. As a matter of fact, Laura (my chicken co-mom)took me on a tour of the garden the afternoon of our ladies' brunch, and I was surprised how much was growing in February (though it has been a mild winter).
I've already went and bought some seeds... so far I am most looking forward to planting these babies...
Ok, I think I'm caught up! Hope all is well with everyone in blogland. Any gardening or chicken excitement happening with anyone else?