In no particular order:
This guy had a birthday:
My dogs are still cute (our Christmas card this year is similar to this):
We had a Halloween party:
I attended a cookie exchange:
My neighbors got a puppy (they say it's a chihuahua/terrier mix - who wants to break it to them that that dog is a boxer?):
I co-hosted a baby shower:
As you can see, it was bee-themed, as we don't know what baby will "bee" yet (though most of us are betting it's a boy)! We'll find out on December 29th!
Josh is overwhelmed with school and finals for this semester (after Friday he has about 2-3 weeks off, Hallelujah).
I feel overwhelmed by life in general. I am slacking in every area (not just blogging), even the ones I enjoy most (cooking, reading). I'm 2-3 months behind in my magazines, even - and you don't even want to look at my DVR... there aren't enough hours to watch it all!
In somewhat-uplifting news (?) I have been having increasingly intolerable stomach issues since July, and I may have finally found the cause! After more Pepto-Bismol than I want to recall, countless doctor's appointments (and three doctors who all seemed to really love prodding my stomach with their jabby fingers and making it worse), and several tests of all sorts... it's been determined I have a hernia. I am on a few different medications now, and my problems are much less severe. I've only had really bad pain from it maybe two or three times since my diagnosis. I don't know if that means the meds are working or if it's the side effect of not being hungry (and therefore not eating much to aggravate it) that is doing the trick. In any case, I'll take it. Plus I've lost about 9 lbs and that is a nice bonus. I deserve it after all those co-pays! ;)
Hope everyone is well in blog-land. I'm hopelessly behind on Christmas and everything that goes with it, and in 9 days we'll be starting our celebrations, so maybe I need to get with the program??
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